Community Service Outreach Report: Presentation at Springtide Secondary School

On 25th June 2024, a team of students from the Software Engineering Department at Lincoln College organized a community service outreach event at Springtide Secondary School. The event was designed to foster interest in computer science among young individuals by offering a Boot camp focused on web development using HTML and CSS. The primary objective was to create a single landing page, providing the students with a practical and engaging introduction to web development.

Program Highlights

1. Web Development Boot Camp:

Objective: To teach the basics of HTML and CSS by guiding students through the creation of a single landing page.

Anchors: Students from the Software Engineering Department at Lincoln College.

Activities: Interactive coding sessions where students learned how to structure a webpage using HTML and style it with CSS.

Outcome: Students gained hands-on experience in web development, igniting their interest in the field of computer science.

2. Interaction and Engagement:

• The Boot camp was highly interactive, with Springtide students actively participating and engaging with the presenters.

• There were lively discussions and Q&A sessions, making the leaming experience both enjoyable and informative.

3. Word of Encouragement from CSE Department:

• The HOD of CSE department gave applaud the students of springtide and Lincoln college for an amazing program and encouraged the students to venture into the tech space as it is becoming the new norms and money driven topic.

• He emphasized the importance of taking the upcoming NECO exams seriously, urging students to not write exams for the sake of passing, but to acquire and test what you have learned.

• His speech was motivational, encouraging students to strive for excellence in their academic pursuits.

4. Address by the Marketing Department:

Speaker: Miss Fiona Irekpita and Miss Diana representing the Marketing Department at Lincoln College.

Content: Miss Irekpita provided an overview of Lincoln College, highlighting its history and the quality education it offers. She also dropped a nice package for the students to ease their enrollment into LCSMT for those that wants to.

Engagement: After her speech, the floor was opened for one-on-one discussions, allowing students to ask questions and learn more about Lincoln College.

5. Networking and Media:

• The event concluded with photo sessions taken by LCSMT media team (Mr. Temitope, Mr. Douglass and Miss Hawa) interviews conducted and exchange of contact information for future communication with the marketing team and CSE students.

• These activities helped in building a strong connection between the students of Springtide Secondary School and Lincoln College.

The community service outreach event at Springtide Secondary School was a resounding success. It achieved its goal of sparking interest in computer science and web development among the students. The interactive Boot camp, combined with motivational speeches and one-on-one discussions, created a lively and engaging environment. The event concluded at 2:00 PM, leaving the students inspired and motivated to pursue their academic and career goals.