Zero Hunger Program

Empowering Communities: The Zero Hunger Program

Our Mission:
Ending hunger and poverty is at the heart of our work. Through the Zero Hunger Program, we provide essential food support and empower communities with skills and career development opportunities.

About the Program:
This sustainable project aims to assist 200 vulnerable families for ten months. We provide food packages and offer training in various skills to help families achieve long-term financial stability. Our goal is to break the cycle of poverty by equipping individuals with the tools they need to secure sustainable livelihoods.

We have registered 200 vulnerable families, comprising 1600 individuals. Through our program, they are receiving food support and participating in skill development programs. This initiative is helping them escape poverty and build a better future.

Our Aim:
We strive to eradicate extreme poverty and improve the livelihoods of communities. By addressing hunger and poverty, we aim to promote sustainability and create opportunities for continued learning and skill development.

Who are eligible:

● Family households whose income is less than $3 per day.
● At least 70% of the families should be single-parent families headed by the mother/female guardian.
● At least 30% of the families should include one member that has disabilities.
● The children in the family must be at least 18 years of age or younger to learn skills or careers.

We are providing the opportunity for needy families to learn the following skills and careers:
● Tailoring
● Automotive Mechanics
● Metalworking
● Carpentry
● Computer Programs
● English Language Learning